Autumn is already almost here again. For students, it’s the start of a new school year filled with promises and challenges. For businesses, it’s also a period of renewal, because it’s a great time to launch new projects. Why not take advantage of this time to review how you do things in order to optimize your efficiency and start autumn off on the right foot? Follow our 3 tips for improving the efficiency of your communications and finding the right translation firm.

1. Evaluate your needs

First of all, assess your situation by answering a few key questions:

  • What are your communication goals? What could you do to better achieve them?
  • If you’re not already doing business with a translation agency, should you start having your documents translated? If so, into which languages and for which markets?
  • If you already have a translation services provider, are they meeting your expectations? If not, should you call on a new translation agency?
  • In which fields do you need translation services? Is it marketing, legal, financial, or technical translation, or a combination of these fields?
  • For you, what is the most important characteristic of a translation agency? Is it the efficiency and speed of the services, the quality of the translations, or the possibility of assigning all your requests to a single agency?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll be better equipped to choose the translation firm that will meet your unique needs.

2. Rethink your processes and your planning

If you choose to rely on a new translation agency, it’s the perfect opportunity to review your internal processes. Remember that the idea is to improve your efficiency and achieve your communication goals. Consider the following elements:

  • The way of routing and managing the translation requests: Ask yourself whether the sending and management of the requests should be done in a centralized or decentralized manner, and whether there are any inefficiencies or delays to be eliminated.
  • Planning the translation: The translation stage is often forgotten when planning the written product. Avoid surprises and rush rates by integrating this step into your planning from the start.
  • Communicating with the translation agency: Good communication is essential to optimize the quality of the translations. From the start of your relationship with the translation agency, take the time to explain your company’s vision and goals, your target audience, and your expectations.

 3. Find the right translation firm

To be more efficient, you need a translation firm that will make your life easier. That’s exactly what Tradgo offers you! By doing business with our translation agency, you’ll get:

  • Quality translations carried out by professional translators
  • A translation firm that’s attentive to your needs and that will simplify the management of your translation projects
  • The possibility of establishing a long-term partnership to help you achieve your communication goals

So, start autumn off on the right foot by opting for the efficiency of the services offered by Tradgo. Send us a quote request today!

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